November 5, 2010


assalamualaikum. ehemm.

pelik sebab boleh sign in blog guna mozilla firefox. kalau pakai chrome memang tak boleh sign in. uhuhhu. uitm memang pelik. 

actually i am revising on cardiovascular subject. i do hate this subject. yes i DO. the past years q's make me want to vomit when i tried to answer all those q's. heck. why am i supposed to learn all thesee. urggh. nursing is not as easy as you tought. the procedures at the hospital actually is not complicated as what you learn in class. maybe if i thought people out there to do the ECG procedure maybe they can do it. but if you learn all those heart components. why is this and why is that. you will also say what have i said here. =_="

same goes with all the things that i've learned such as all those muscles in bodies. all those liquids, about kidney. brrrr. i do hate all anatomical things. just like the previous post. i do hate anatomy and physiology. and also all things that need to relate with it. 

aku memang tengah tension nak ambil final paper esok. subjek ni susah. yeah. DAMN hard. pening kepala nak ingat semua urat yang ada kat jantung. kat sebelah urat ni ada artery apa. sebelah artery ni ada vein apa. kalau vein ni pecah apa jadi kat manusia. kalau itu dan kalau ini. aku ni tak habis.habis merungut kann? haha. whateverr. as long as i wrote all the merungut things in MY own blog. tak de hal. aku bukan menyemak tulis aku tak puas hati kat facebook pun. *erm, kadang2 je aku buat*. ni blog aku. suka hati aku la nak tulis apa. 

sape tak puas hati sila la jumpa dengan tuan empunya blog ni. *aku dah start nak merepek*. oke. since that i've wasted a lot of time by doing this entry. gtg. bye for now.

talks END here.

1 comment:

CACHA said...

Same goes here. A&P sangat memeningkan kepale