April 28, 2011

can any of you kutip derma for me?

its just. its just. ive cried last night. HYSTERICALLY. okay. tu pun nak cerita. *rolling eyes with hands up in the air*

WHAT THEEEE HELL MANN! im asking for derma. and im not the one yang kaki bagi derma kat orang. and expecting people to derma on me? oh man. this is tahi suci.

kalau aku kutip derma sorang seposen kat campus ni? err. im calculating. orang dalam kampus ni about 3000++ how bout 10 cent per person? rm300? its not enoughh mann. moneyhh is not easy to find. urghh.

please baby. aku dah bosan tengok phone aku sekarang ni. *PUKEFACE* rasa nak baling phone kat dinding. tapi impian aku akan terkubur. percayalah. impian je ni. tunggu aku masuk kerja. takpe. takpe. sabar. sabar. one day i'll get you handsome.


tee underscore tee. sobsss

okay. BYE! 

talks END here.


Sarah Sayuri Hartnett said...

theotherkhairul ada wat review pasal henpon jugak kan tp aku tak ingat henpon mana...lawa siot....

arggghhh,,,tensen tensen aku nak beli

duraneyisyah said...

memang first aku tengok fon ni kat dia lah sarah. hehehe