December 31, 2009


aku nak.. tp takot,,
aku nak,, tp x tau macam mne,,
aku nak.. tp xnak amek risiko,,
aku nak,, tp fobia,, aku x cantek,,
aku pon xpandai,,
hmm,,, camne nak express my feeling,,
kang aku plak yg lebey2,,
relationship IS complicated,,
amat susa utk DURANEY mangaku tentang perasaannye..
andai aku ta payah bka mulut,,
org da tau,,
kan senang,,, tp..
its not that easy.. i hate this feeling,,
ble aku ske someone,, aku nak dye suka aku in and out,,
aku akan cbe sayang dye in and out juge..
dont care bout what people talk.. just walk through it,,
someone can lead me straight to syurga in his own way.,,
mak aku pon da menyeramkan sekarang,,
cakap pasal kawen2 lak ai,,
lemah sendi lutut..
hishh.. lambat lg tue,,
soh aku bgon awal la..
ape la,,
marriage is like a gambling...
once u get play,,
u never turns back,,
that's it..
aku ngantok,,
da la byk keje nak buat esok,,
please,, someone,,,
tolong replace me to do the job..

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