February 12, 2011

kebosanan yang melampau. ive told ya. my english is bad.

bosan adalah terms yang amat sinonim bagi pelajar IPT apabila berdepan dengan masalah krisis kewangan. krisis yang perlu ditangani termasuklah tenaga yang perlu dikeluarkan apabila perlu menaiki kenderaan awam dan kadar kewangan yang kurang untuk memuaskan nafsu untuk memenuhi koleksi barangan peribadi. inner wear memang tak termasuk. itu bukan kehendak. itu keperluan ye adik.adik. apa aku mengarut.

pelajar IPT macam aku ni, selalunya akan bosan kalau tak cukup duit nak keluar. tak pun malas nak bersesak.sesak dalam bas yang memang padat dengan manusia yang sememangnya kaki shopping dan kaki melepak. kalau krisis tak cukup duit tu adalah normal. kerana di awal semester, duit ptptn telah dijolikan semahu.mahunya. itu adalah kenyataan. but at least. aku memang bersyukur aku dapat elaun makan uitm bagi. even elaun tu pon boleh habis sekelip mata kalau aku masuk butik ZARA.

tahniah kepada duraney kerana berjaya mengawal nafsunya untuk tidak membeli sepasang kasut berwarna kuning yang simple coraknya tetapi harganya sama seperti elaun makan aku di uitm ni selama sebulan. tahniah. ternyata bagi duraney shopping bukan segalanya. har.har.har. do i look like sarcastic person? yes i do. when i feel bored. i will talk crapp. and THIS is crap. truly crap. 

crap continue. 

when i feel bored, i usually went to my friend's room. but not today. i am out of mood. this is because of my laptop hasn't function THAT well. the windows explorer is not functioning. if i want to open my folder that contains video innit, it will start to make me piss off by saying that i need to restart the windows explorer again and again. i've tried it for several times. it make me a bit tempted. i don't know why the heck is my laptop is making me piss off with the windows explorer kept giving me such anoying pop up that asking me to restart the windows explorer.

and i do ask my friend as if he can be called a friend. what the heck is happening to my laptop. he ask me to rename the folders that contains those videos and movies. i tried BUT each time i open the folder it started to popup the restart things. and i can't do anything. at last, my so-called-friend said that i need to format my laptop. and i was like. oh my god. oh my god. i've just format my laptop last years. or to be exact last october i guess. and it was a few months ago. it was a bullshit to use crack things. i was soo regret because previously i use vista. even the performance was a bit slow. and yeah slower than windows 7 but it didn't make me tempted with those popup things because it is original windows vista. sigh.

even i am telling this. it can't change anything in this laptop. i think i'm gonna try to search the best for my laptop. because my lappy is my boyfriend. without it i can't write in this blog. without it i can't finish up my assignment. eh. apa aku merepek tadi. ya allah. sapa yang mencarut kat blog aku ni tadi. hehehe. yalah. laptop aku ni memang bengong. manja nak mampos. lepas ni aku kena beli anti virus mahal.mahal bagi kat dia. baru dia tak buat hal kot. ye dok? 
ok. BYE.

bosan kan? bosan? padan muka. sapa suruh baca. 
and, the thing is, aku tak faham kenapa blogger tu boleh ada 9k follower. BUT im not the one of those 9k. aku baca blog dia tak de bende pon. di tulis dia makan kat precint diplomatik pon ramai orang comment. pelik. dia tu femes eh? ohh. sorry. i am quite outdated person in this. this is just a point of view from a young lady that have named by duraney. 

again. BYE!

talks END here.

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